Surgery follow up

Lucie has surgery follow up yesterday at Cardinal Glennon. She’s been dealing with a pretty nasty little cold the past few days so I was concerned. Her X-ray came back looking great. Dr. Chatoorgoon said that it looked pretty much like a normal chest X-ray. Yay! We don’t have to go back to Cardinal Glennon for six months! If her cough becomes more persistent, though, we are to take her into the pediatrician. Right now it sounds like the phlegm is breaking up though.

The little monkey is really busy all the time. She is always climbing on and over me or Ryan. She pulls herself up and takes steps holding onto the couch. She learned how to open the fireplace so we now have to baby proof that. She is very active.

We have been working on her sleeping in her room and we get at least a couple hours each night. With her head cold I haven’t pushed as much as I would if she felt 100%.

I’ll update more soon.





7 months

Time is starting to really fly. Lucie hit all kinds of milestones during January. She mastered sitting up for long periods of time. She started feeding herself. She can drink out of a sippy cup. She started CRAWLING. She PULLED HERSELF UP. Really, Lucie??? Why do you have to be so big.

She went for her six month check up finally and had a major growth spurt in January. As of January 2nd she was in the 12th percentile for height. As of Monday she jumped to the 30th! She measures in at 2’2″. She weighs 14.13 lbs.

This miracle baby who I worried if she would hit milestones “on time” is ahead by a month to two months. I am so proud of her.

With all the snow and the horrible flu season, we’ve stayed put for the most part. I did sign Lucie up for the little gym and swim lessons. We did an introductory class at the little gym and we start next week. Swim lessons were cancelled due to the snow. We start swim tomorrow.

We’ve been working on getting Lucie in her own crib at night and out of our room. So far we get two hours Lucie free. Oh well. Part of me wants her in our room and part of me wants her to be ready to be in her own room. As Ryan said, she’s just not ready yet.

I will update with pictures from swim soon!



